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Call to Action: Contact local councillors

Councillor Dougie Campbell (Ward 3) is presenting the motion below to Dumfries & Galloway Council on Thursday 12th December. Councillor Pauline Drysdale (Ward 4) will be seconding the motion.

Ahead of the meeting, we urge you to write to your local councillor asking them to support the motion for a local referendum on the proposed national park.

Galloway National Park Proposal – Local Referendum

Dumfries and Galloway Council note the ongoing public consultation by NatureScot, on behalf of the Scottish Government, on the preferred status for Galloway to be designated as Scotland’s next national park, under the provisions of the National Park (Scotland) Act 2000.

Furthermore, it is noted that there are competing arguments for and against this designation which have divided opinion, and that designation may have substantial impact, both positive or negative, on those people living in Galloway.

Dumfries and Galloway Council calls on the Scottish Government, following conclusion of the consultation process, and before any decision is made by ministers on designation, to hold and finance a local referendum, to enable those eligible in Galloway to vote, and have their say on whether or not Galloway be designated as Scotland’s next national park.


Councillor Dougie Campbell


Councillor Pauline Drysdale