Please click on the links below to download the thought papers

Members of the No Galloway National Park campaign have developed a series of thought papers addressing various issues related to National Park designation and its implications for Galloway, South annd East Ayrshire, and the consultation process.

It is hoped that these documents will help inform your response to NatureScot’s consultation on whether Galloway should become Scotland’s third National Park. Please respond to the consultation by 14 February 2025.



Campaigning in the Age of Misinformation

This thought paper reflects on the campaign for the proposed Galloway National Park, examines the challenges posed by misinformation and the efforts to counter it.

Download - Campaigning in the Age of Misinformation

Delving into the Issues - Part II

Further to the thought paper published in December 2024, which outlined significant concerns about the Consultation process, this thought paper explores further issues regarding the Consultation.

Download - Delving into the Issues - Part II

Local Representative or Puppet

This thought paper examines the governance of National Parks and highlights how it could serve as a mechanism for extending central government control in the Park boundary

Download - Local Representative or Puppet

Conservation or Consumption

This thought paper explores the apparent contradiction of promoting conservation while simultaneously increasing consumption, through tourism and recreation

Download - Conservation or Consumption

Consultation Issues

This thought paper investigates the role of NatureScot as the Scottish Government Reporter, questioning its ability to remain impartial. It also examines the shortcomings of the consultation process to date

Download - Consultation Issues

Views of expert Roger Crofts

This thought paper highlights the contributions of expert Roger Crofts to the National Park debate and directs you to some of his articles, which delve into various issues surrounding the proposals

Download - Views of expert Roger Crofts