Respond to the Scottish Government Consultation
Respond to the NatureScot ‘New National Park Summary Survey’. Please click here for our guidance and suggestions for responding to this survey. It is vital our voices are heard.
The consultation, including information on how you can submit your views, can be found by clicking here.
Download Response Guidance
Campaign for us
Download the NGNP leaflet
Attend meetings
Details of upcoming events and meetings can be found here

Display Our Banner
If you would like to show your support by displaying a banner or field poster (8’ x 4’) please get in touch to request one by clicking here.

Sign the petition to stop more National Parks in Scotland
Debbie Carmichael, Leader of the Lochaber National Park NO More campaign, has created a petition on the Scottish Parliament’s website calling on the Scottish Parliament to urge the Scottish Government to:
- Suspend any action to create further National Parks in Scotland.
- Instruct an independent review on the operation of the current National Parks, including an assessment of the economic impacts on businesses & industries within the two parks including, but not exclusive to, farming, forestry, crafting and angling.
- Conduct a consultation with representatives of rural businesses & Community Councils in order to help to frame the remit of said independent review.
You can find out more and sign the petition here.